Week 1: August 15-16

Week 1: August 15-16title



Social Studies

Current Events

















·   Introduction

·   Sponge Activity

·   Class Syllabus


·   Introduction

·   Sponge Activity

·   Class Syllabus




·   Review Syllabus, rules & regulations

·   Discuss supplies

·   Map Activity

·   Discuss goals and expectations

·   Discuss supplies



Week 2: August 19-23

Week 2: August 19-23title


Social Studies

Current Events




·   Pre-test

-review and discuss

·   Discovery News

-space (Prometheus)







·   Review 6th grade history


·   Exploring Deep Space





·         Review 6th Grade History

·         Set Learning Goals

·   Age of Exploration

- discovered the Americas





·   Introduce Text Book

·   Chap. 1.1 - Geography of the world. (p.9-11)

·   Vocab: p. 9

·      Homework

1)      What factors influence the kind of vegetation in a region?

2)      How did the vegetation in northern Europe affect the lives of the people thousands of years ago?

3)      How does the climate of an area affect the kinds of occupations that people have today?


·      Discovered the Americas

-         Vikings

-         Chinese

-         Columbus





·   Chap. 1.1 - Geography of the world. (p.12-13)

1)      How is geography related to history?

2)      Does geography have more or less influence on people's lives today than in the past? Explain.

3)      In what way is a region defined?



·  Compare and Contrast

- make a foldable to compare and contrast how we explore space today and how we explored new lands centuries ago.



Week 3: Aug 26-30

Week 3: Aug 26-30title


Social Studies

Study Skills



·   Review 1.1

-Complete 5-themes chart

·   Introduce 1.2

·        Progression of exploration

- make a foldable to illustrate the progression of explorations from the past leading up to explorations in the future.






·   Lesson 1.2

·   Define Terms p.15

·   Discuss projection and types of map


·         Complete foldable





·   Chap. 1.2 - Continued

-geography paper-mache (globe)


·   Universe vs World






·      Paper-mache continued

·      Homework: Review

1.       Why was the Global Positioning System (GPS) originally developed?

2.       Explain how the Global Positioning System work?

3.       Analyze

4.       What can geographers and historians do using geographic information systems?

·  Exploration Activity





·   Complete paper-mache


·  Exploration Activity

Week 4: Sept 3-6

Week 4: Sept 3-6title


Social Studies

Current Events








·   Introduce Lesson 1.4

·   Read p.31-33, complete definition for terms p.31

1)      Explain why history is important?

2)      What sources does a historian use to find answers to questions?

3)      What are primary sources and provide some examples?

4)      What might a secondary source include that a primary source does not?


·   Debriefing Environment Issue "Firefighters on the Front Lines"




·   Lesson 1.4 Continued

1)      Analyze the reading on p.34 "Different Interpretations of History" and identify the evidence presented by the first historian to support his view of why the Roman Empire fell.

2)      According the second historian, why was the empire unable to defend itself from external attacks?

3)      Explain what viewpoint you find more convincing and why.


·   Social Issues "Soldiers on the Front Line"




·   Chap. 1 Review

·   "Soldiers on the Front Line"




·         Chap 1 Test

·         "Soldiers on the Front Line"

Week 5: Sept 9-13

Week 5: Sept 9-13title


Social Studies

Current Events




·   Analyze Chapter 1 Test

·   Notebook clean-up


·         Discuss Current Events Issues

·      Choose topics




·   Introduce chapter 2

·   Lesson. 2.1 - "Roman Republic"

1.       Take notes

2.      Complete chart "characteristics of Roman Republic"

*HW: Complete definition of terms on page 47

·      Preserving the news!

-      Bring newspaper to class for students to browse

-      Students find worthy news articles they want to preserve

-       Students write a short summary responding to the news





·  Remembering 9/11

-primary source and secondary source

-interview questions


·      Activity: Dissolve a milk of magnesia tablet in a quart of water, and let it stand overnight.

·      Respond to News: What effects will this have on the community, society, and world?  What are the positive and negative effects?





·         Chap. 2.1 - "Roman Empire"

-Answer questions

1. What brought an end to the Roman Kingdom?

2. Explain the events preceded the founding of the empire.

3. Explain the reasons for the growth of the empire.

4. Analyze the rise of Christianity and explain why the Roman leaders treated Christians harshly?

·   Activity: Pour the mixture into a flat baking pan large enough to hold the news clippings that you want to preserve. Place the clippings in the solution so they're completely covered by the liquid. Let them soak for an hour. Then take them out and pat them dry.

·   Sharing: Share news and responses whole class




·      Lesson 2.1 Continued

·      Lesson Quiz

·      Activity Summary - Describe the process in preserving the news.


Week 6: Sept 16-20

Week 6: Sept 16-20title


Social Studies

History Exploration




·      Lesson 2.2 p.54-55

·      Answer Questions

1.   What internal problems weakened the Roman Empire?

2.   Why is it important for the people of a nation to be educated and informed?

3.    How did Diocletian strengthen the declining empire?

4.   In what way did Constantine contribute the spread of Christianity?

5.    Other than ending persecution of Christians, what major decision did Constantine make and how did it affect the Roman Empire?

·   Create historical newspapers.

1. What will it take to get this article to be in the front page?

2. What period of time in history are you studying?

3. Relate the facts you have studied.

4.  Include each of the five-Ws in their first paragraphs.





·      Lesson 2.2 p.55-56

1.       Why did outside groups invade the Roman Empire?

2.       What happened to the eastern part of the empire when the western part fell?

3.       Why were the invaders able to overrun the Western Roman Empire?

·   Computer lab




·         Chap 2.2 Review

·         Review terms 2.1 and 2.2

·         Answer questions

       1.      How did Rome's military weakened the empire?

       2.      What were the main internal problems of the Roman Empire?

       3.      In what way did Constantine reform the Roman Empire?

       4.      Why were the Germanic tribes able to conquer the Roman Empire?

       5.      How did moving the capital from Rome to Constantinople weaken the western part of the empire?

·         Computer lab







·      Activity: Board Game

·      Quiz

·      Computer lab




·  Read and discuss lesson 2.3 p.59-60

·  Define Terms

·  Questions

1.      What is the Justinian Code and explain why it was important?

2.      What was the Mese and explain the importance of it.  Illustrate the Mese in your notebook.

3.      Why did merchants in Constantinople have an advantage over merchants in other cities?

4.      Describe life in Constantinople.


5.    Final writing to publish

Week 7: Sept 23-27

Week 7: Sept 23-27title


Social Studies

Study Skills





·   Lesson 2.3 p.61-63

Christianity Split

-complete cause & effect chart

·   Historical Newspaper

Computer lab

-finalize rough draft onto USB






·         Review Lesson 2.3

1)Describe the hierarchy of the Christian church at the time of Rome's fall.

2)How did the Byzantine emperors view their role in the church?

3)What resulted from the continuing friction between the two parts of the Christian church?

4) What are icons? Give an example.

·   Historical Newspaper

Computer lab

-complete final draft and save onto USB






·   Lesson 2.4 p.67-68

- Discuss Latin Root words

-Define Terms p.67

-Answer Questions (HW)

1.    What lasting contributions of Roman culture influenced later society?

2.  Explain the philosophy of Stoicism.

3.   What influence did Latin have on the larger world?

·        Why is it news?

In the days ahead, study each front-page story and talk about why editors decided to put the story on page one. Which reason(s) on the students' list would explain the newsworthiness of the story?






·         Chap 2.4 p.69-70

-Read p.69-70

-Complete "Main Idea" graphic organizer p.66

-Complete questions HW

1)      How was the Roman's use of vaults, domes, and arches different from earlier uses?

2)      What is the function of an aqueduct?

3)      How was Christianity a unifying force in the Roman Empire?

4)      What Roman principles are the foundation of many legal systems today?

·        Why is it news?

Continue studying each front-page story and talk about why editors decided to put the story on page one. Which reason(s) on the students' list would explain the newsworthiness of the story?



·   Lesson 2.4 Review


·           Why is it news?

Which reason(s) on the students' list would explain the newsworthiness of the story?

Week 8: Sept. 30- Oct 4

Week 8: Sept. 30- Oct 4title




·        Chap 2 Review p. 74 #6-13   


ü  Receive 5 extra points for creating a unit 1 test card

·   Introducing Debate in the Classroom

-What is it?

-Debate format

- Introduce students to some basic concepts and terms.





·        Chap 2  quiz

·        Chapter 2 Wrap-up

1.    Write a paragraph describing the Roman Republic and why it ended.

2.    Write a paragraph describing which of Rome's internal weaknesses you think was the most damaging and why.

3.    Describe what caused the split in Christianity in the early Byzantine Empire.


4.Classroom Debate

-   Observe a live or videotaped debate.






·         Unit 1 Review

1.        How can anyone find the absolute location of a place?

2.        Where were the earliest human communities located?

3.     List some cultural influence Greece had on the culture of Rome.

4.     What condition most likely encouraged early human settlement in the southern part of Mesopotamia?

5.     Which emperor led Rome in an era known as the  Pax Romana?

6.    What were some of Constantine's accomplishments?

7.     Explain how geographers define continents.

8.     Who could vote in the Roman republic?

9.    Why did Diocletian divide the Roman Empire in half?

10. Why was the Roman Republic formed?

11. Who do geographers study?

12. Name the three map projections and explain what they show.

13. What role did the Senate play in the power of the Roman Republic leaders?

14. Explain the causes and effect of the schism in the Christian church.

15.  What is the relationship of anthropology and history?

16. Explain the philosophy of Stoicism.

17. Why did most hunter-gatherer groups remain small in size?

18. List all the key internal weaknesses of the Roman Empire as according to the text.

5.Classroom Debate

-   Take part in an informal debate.






6.      Unit 1 Exam   

7.      Affirmative case structure

- Gain an understanding of the Affirmative philosophy.




·         Review Unit 1 Exam

·        Affirmative case structure

- Examine the speech of the first Affirmative.


Week 9: Oct.7-11

Week 9: Oct.7-11title


Social Studies

Study Skills





·      Introduce Unit 2 "The Growth of Islam"

1.               KWL

2.               Video "The Phenomenal Growth of Islam"

·      Introduce Chap 3 p.80-81

1.               Read map keys and examine map

2.               Answer questions

1)      What Muslim lands were added after 632?

2)      Why do you think so many cities are located near seacoasts?

3)      How far has Islam spread today? (refer to video)

**Extra credits: read lesson 3.1 and take notes

·     Overview of debate

- To set the first two speeches into the larger context of the debate and summarize the remaining speeches.





·      Lesson 3.1 p.84-86

     -Define terms p.85

-Answer Questions

1)      How does the climate affect the use of the land?

2)      What does the vegetation tell you about the oases?

3)      According to the diagram on p.86 how do oases get water?


·  The great debate

-   students prepare and debate in a formal style

-   do the research in computer lab





·         Lesson 3.1 p. 87-89

·         Answer Questions

1)      Why did so many settlements near Arabia's western coast become trading centers?

2)      Why did caravans go to Mecca during certain months?

3)      What connection did Abraham have with Arabs, Christians, and Jews?

·        The great debate

-       do the research in computer lab





·         Review lesson 3.1

·         "Life Along a Trade Route" p.90-91

-choose a character : trader, customer, or inspector

-create 3 or more questions you might ask while at the trading center.

·  The great debate

-       Group 1 & 3 debate





·         Lesson 3.1 Quiz

·         Lesson 3.2 p. 93-94

-Define terms p.93

-Answer Questions

1)      How did Muhammad show leadership?

2)      Explain why Muhammad spread Islam.

3)      What was Muhammad's belief?


·  The great debate

-       Group 2 & 4 debate

Week 10: Oct 14-18

Week 10: Oct 14-18title


Social Studies

Study Skills






·         Lesson 3.2 p. 94-96

-         Answer Questions

1)        Why do Muslims call Christians and Jews "people of the book"?

2)        How do Muslims beliefs about Jesus differ from Christian beliefs?

3)        Why might toleration of non-Muslims be important to the expansion of the Muslim Empire?

HW: Lesson Review p.96 #3-5


J create a test card for chapter 3 and receive 5 extra points

·        Complete "The Great Debate

·        Complete timeline in computer lab








·      Lesson 3.3 (p.99-101)

- Define terms p.99

- Answer Questions

1)      What were Abu Bakr's accomplishments as caliph?

2)      What happened to the Muslim Empire under the first four caliphs?

3)      What freedoms and restrictions did Jews and Christians have in the Muslim Empire?


·        News-mapping. Post a map (a community, state, U.S., or world map, depending on the focus of your current events curriculum) on a bulletin board. Post stories around the map and string yarn from each story to the location on the map where the story takes place.





·      Lesson 3.3 Continued

-         Questions

-         Activity


·         News-mapping. Research and write stories to be posted around the map and string yarn from each story to the location on the map where the story takes place.





·         Chapter 3 Review

·        News-mapping. Research and write stories to be posted around the map and string yarn from each story to the location on the map where the story takes place.





·       Chapter 3 Test

·         News-mapping. Students pick one story from the News-map and write a news article about the story.

Week 11: Oct 21-25

Week 11: Oct 21-25title


Social Studies

Current Events






·        Introduce Chap 4 "The Rise of Muslim States"

-         Lesson 4.1 (p.113-116)

-         Define terms (p.113) 


·         Media Literacy

-         Key concepts





·         Lesson 4.1 continued

-          Complete main idea chart on page 112

·     Create Media in the classroom

-Types of media

- Students paired up to create a form of media to report an event (historical or current)





·        Lesson 4.2 (p.119-120)

-         Define terms (p.119) 

-         Activity


1)      Why did the arts flourish in the 800s?

2)      Why did book become more available during the Abbasid period?

3)      Why was the Canon of Medicine a significant work?

4)      How did the Abbasids contribute to their own downfall?

5)      Where did the Fatimids establish their caliphate?

·      Create Media in the classroom

-Work to complete media






·         Lesson 4.3


1)      What kind of industry flourished in Cordoba?

2)      Why did the caliphs encourage scholars from Baghdad to come to Cordoba?

3)      What were some of the medical ideas that physicians in Cordoba promoted?


·        Media in the Classroom

-Complete media






·         Review chapter 4


·        Media in the Classroom

-Complete media

Week 12: Oct 28-Nov1

Week 12: Oct 28-Nov1title


Social Studies

Current Events






·         Lesson 4.3 (p. 131-136)

-Define terms p.131

      -Homework Questions  

1)         What kind of industry flourished in Cordoba?

2)         Why did the caliphs encourage scholars from Baghdad to come to Cordoba?

3)         How did the activity in Cordoba influence the rest of the world?


·     Media Presentation






·         Chap 4 Review 

-pair activity: summarize the 5 Ws for each

1) Belief System

2) Economics


**create a test card on chapters 3& 4 for 5 extra points

·     Media Presentation






·        Unit 2 Review     

·     Movie







·         Unit 2 Exam


·     Movie






·         Islamic Activity

1)      Students may work with only their partner or another pair

2)      Choose a lesson from chapter 3 or chapter 4 and summarize it through:

a)      Illustration with captions

b)      Writing a 1-2 pages summary



·     Current Event Expectation

1)      Illustration on front

2)      3 things you'll be doing

3)      3 interesting things you'll be learning