Special Education
At Riverside Meadows, we are committed to ensuring that all students, including those with exceptional needs, have access to a free, appropriate public education. Our goal is to provide the necessary services and support to meet each student’s unique needs.
State and Federal Law ensure that students with exceptional needs receive:
• A free, appropriate public education
• Related services to support their academic success
When a child is being assessed for possible special education needs, an Individualized Education Program Team (IEPT) is convened. This team works collaboratively to determine the best course of action for the student. Parents are a crucial part of this team and play an integral role in the decision-making process.
Student Study Team / Child Study Team
At the school site, the Student Study Team (SST) or Child Study Team (CST) works to:
• Discuss and recommend intervention strategies
• Utilize regular school resources and personnel to support the student
This team focuses on identifying effective strategies to help students succeed within the general education setting before pursuing formal special education assessments.